
We are a Lodge of Freemasons meeting in Farnborough

Freemasonry gives us a sense of belonging and creates friendships that last a life-time, it is a very enjoyable hobby. We are a friendly lodge and enjoy our Freemasonry. We have fun with our ceremonies and take pride in working for charity. We support each other.

Mercury Lodge is rather special because of its aviation heritage, but its members today come from a wide variety of industries.

Our lodge was the first to adopt the name. Mercury’s symbolism is well known as he was the Roman Winged Messenger, who travelled between the gods and humanity.

We hope you will find this site informative. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a member.

Rather than working on buildings like the Masons of old, today’s Freemasons focus on building themselves as people of integrity, and membership provides the structure to help achieve that goal.

One of the oldest social organisations in the world, Freemasonry is not defined by an ideology. It is open to people from all religions and political persuasions and provides the common foundation for friendships between members, many of which will last for life.

With a membership of more than 150,000 people drawn from communities across the UK, Freemasonry brings people together irrespective of their race, religion or any other perceived differences that can divide us as a society.

Kindness and charitable giving are deeply ingrained within the principles of Freemasonry. The organisation provides a support structure that helps members make positive contributions to communities and worthwhile causes through fundraising events or volunteer work.

Our Lodge


Mercury Lodge was formed under the United Grand Lodge of England and was consecrated in 1923 to provide a lodge for the Royal Aircraft Establishment in Farnborough and the Air Ministry in London. Our membership still has a flavour of our aeronautical roots. Our members have background in the fields of Aviation, Civil Engineering, Information Technology, Broadcast Media and the Armed Forces.

Given that the lodge has a wide age range, we can welcome new members at any point in their adult life.


Meetings are held at the Farnborough Masonic Centre,

37 Alexandra Road, Farnborough, GU14 6BS

Our Meetings

We meet seven times per annum on the 4th Saturday in February, and the 4th Wednesday in March, April, September, October, November and January.

Social Events

We have social events to which friends and family are invited.


Many of our members visit and meet with members of other lodges – new members are encouraged to visit and meet other masons.


The Master of the Lodge is elected into that appointment after progressing through the lodge offices. When he is appointed, this is called ‘Installation’.


We are known as a Craft lodge based on the medieval stonemason lodges. It is the starting point in Freemasonry.

There is also the Royal Arch, which is also known as Chapter, which is described later.

Social Events

In November, there is an informal ‘White Table Night’ where our wives and partners attend a lecture and dine with us afterwards.

The annual Ladies Festival in February, which is normally a dinner-dance for our friends and family, is hosted by the Master at a location of his choice.

There is a club (the Concord Club) for older Freemasons, their wives and widows from all the lodges in Farnborough, providing coffee mornings with usually guest speakers, as well as organising coach or boat trips.

What do we get from our membership?

* We enjoy ourselves * We make new friends * We are a team * We are part of a 300 year old organisation *We have a sense of belonging * We donate to charity * We contribute to society * We enjoy our ceremony * We value honesty and integrity

Freemasonry provides a unique environment for people from all backgrounds to learn skills, make lasting friendships, achieve their potential and, above all, have fun. Members of the lodge have a strong sense of belonging. As one of the oldest social and charitable organisations in the world, we have a thriving community of approximately 175,000 members throughout England and Wales, as well as Districts overseas. Membership is open to people from all backgrounds and we aim to empower members to be the best they can be.

Start your Masonic journey


“When I left the Indian Air Force, a relative invited me to join his lodge. I was impressed and decided to join. On getting a job in Farnborough, I searched the web and found Mercury Lodge and its connection with Aviation. I was accepted and made good friends. I am enjoying my journey with Mercury Lodge.”


“When I left the Royal Navy and was looking for something to fill the gap, it seemed right that I join the lodge of my friend. By then I had met a lot of the lodge members at various social functions so was best placed to be very well welcomed into Mercury Lodge.”


“I was planning to leave the Army, when a friend mentioned Freemasonry. I wanted to find a new home, socialise, make friends and be part of a team. Before joining, my wife and I attended the Lodge’s Ladies Festival and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.” I was then initiated and had a wonderful career.”


“I have enjoyed becoming part of a Brotherhood of likeminded friends from varied backgrounds, who enjoy meeting, dining and having a drink as equals. Being a member of a big organisation (United Grand Lodge of England) that follows good precepts ‘making good men better’ along with raising and donating huge charitable funds to wonderful causes.”


“Gives me a sense of inclusion and I enjoy the rich history, traditions and hidden meanings.”


“ I was a Civil Servant and joined from a London lodge. This is a military lodge that is much bigger than Mercury. Mercury is a nice, warm friendly lodge.”


“Friendship has been a big part of being a mason.

Over the past twenty or so years I have built very strong bonds with Members of my Mother Lodge, and I hope to do so at Mercury too. I was also attracted to the Charitable side.”

We are part of a big family

Freemasonsry is a local, Provincial (County), National and International body.


Freemasonry is a great contributor of charitable donations and is solely funded through the generosity of individual Freemasons and their families with no contributions being collected from the public. During the lodge meeting or at the Festive Board, we collect alms, and run a raffle. We also use our social events to raise money.

The national charity is the Masonic Charitable Foundation and if you would like more information on its work please visit the website.


The Province of Hampshire & Isle of Wight supports a number of Provincial charities and details of these can be found by following the link to Provincial Grand Lodge Home Page.

Mercury Lodge plays its full part in supporting National, Local, and Masonic Charities.


Join us!

How do I join?

Thinking about joining Freemasonry but do not know where to start?
You may not know much about Freemasonry, or know any Freemasons from Hampshire. As a result, the internet is fast becoming a point of contact for new members and therefore we have developed our website to help potential members gain a better understanding of Freemasonry in general and Mercury Lodge in particular.

You don’t need to be invited
just ask!

To find out more about our fascinating worldwide institution and in particular how to become a member of our Lodge, please take a few moments to send us a message through our Contact Form.
Arrangements will then be made to meet you socially to find out more about you, and to give you a chance to find out more about us.
You will then in due course be invited to meet a committee of members of the Lodge, before being balloted for membership of the Lodge.
You will want to be aware of the following conditions to be considered for membership:

* You must be at least 18 years of age.

* You must believe in a supreme being to be a Freemason. We won’t ask about religion, that is personal to you.

* You must be of good character with no unspent criminal convictions. If you’re not sure what counts and what doesn’t, ask us.

* Your family should be made aware of your interest in Freemasonry, and be supportive of your intention.

* Given your current stage of life and personal circumstances, you need to have some time available to commit to joining and becoming an active Freemason.

* Whilst not disproportionately expensive, there is a cost to Freemasonry (Joining fee. regular lodge subscription, dining fee, regalia) and you must factor that into your consideration.

What commitment will I need to make?

We are friendly, and charitable and enjoy Freemasonry’s history and tradition. We have social dinners mixing formality with fun. Our ethos is that every member brings a different set of skills. Every member is afforded the opportunity to become better at what they enjoy doing. As a new member, you will have a Mentor and be encouraged to engage at your own pace – there is no pressure to take on responsibility.

We hold informal sessions and rehearsals before each formal meeting. We also have informal and impromptu social gatherings. All members are encouraged to participate remembering that family and work come first.

 learn more

How long will it take?

It takes a little time to be invited to join a Lodge and become a Freemason. There is an interview process, which can sometimes seem a little lengthy, but is necessary to make sure we welcome good men into our Lodges. Secondly, our lodge meets seven times per annum, and not all of the meetings can be used to Initiate a new Freemason.

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What will it cost?

There is a cost to Freemasonry: Joining fee. regular lodge subscription, regalia. Brethren are also encouraged to donate to charity whatever they can afford.

It is usual to have a meal after each of our lodge meetings, but it is not compulsory. The current cost of the meal is £23.

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Looking to rejoin Freemasonry?

Are you thinking of re-joining our fraternity but don’t know any local Freemasons?
Perhaps you have just moved into the area and wondered where the best lodge for you is located and when it meets?
Please take a few moments to send us a message through our Contact Form.

 learn more

255 Lodges

in Hampshire & Isle of Wight

17 Lodges

meet at Farnborough

7 Lodges

meet at Aldershot

We support various charities which are chosen by the Master of the Lodge during his year in office. In addition, every seven years, Hampshire and Isle of Wight support a Masonic Charity Festival – the current festival ends in 2027 which is a major commitment for the lodge.
Some of the non-masonic charities that the lodge has supported are:

Alzheimer’s Society


Dogs for Blind

Dogs for Good

Mens Shed

National Association for Bikers with a Disability


Parity for Disability

Phyllis Tuckwell Memorial Hospice

Rushmoor Voluntary Services

Treloar Trust


We would be delighted to hear from you!

If you would like to start your Masonic journey or have a general enquiry, please contact the Lodge Secretary using the form below or the email link.

    Lodge History

    The early 1920s had seen several advances in both aeroplane and aero-engine design and manufacture. The structure of the armed forces and civil servant departments also changed to support these advances – in particular the Air Ministry and the Royal Aircraft Establishment.

    Brigadier General Bagnall-Wild envisaged a lodge at Farnborough that could bring together the particular ‘factions’ of the aeronautical design and research bases at London and the Royal Aircraft Establishment following the transfer of certain research functions from London. The petition was signed by the Master of the Lodge and Wardens of Farnborough and North Camp Lodge No 2203. The Warrant was granted by the United Grand Lodge of England on 17 September 1923 and the lodge was consecrated on the 17th December 1923, by Commander Hubert G. Giles, RN, PGD (Eng.), Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight as the Provincial Grand Master had unfortunately passed to the Grand Lodge Above. Mercury Lodge was consecrated on 17th December 1923 at the Tumble-Down-Dick Hotel, Farnborough. There were 49 visitors present whose names were not recorded in the minute book, an omission, which brought a stern rebuke from the Provincial Grand Secretary at the time. At the outbreak of World War II in 1939, the Supply Departments of the Air Ministry were transferred to Harrogate, thus removing nearly all the ‘working officers’ from Farnborough. Arrangements were made to hold meetings at Harrogate, if necessary, and considerable assistance was given to this project by the Provincial Grand Lodge; a Dispensation was granted, and a photostat copy of the Warrant was obtained. However, Mercury Lodge carried on in Farmborough and not a single meeting was missed. As a result of the interchanges between the Royal Aircraft Establishment and the Aircraft and Armaments Experimental Establishment at Boscombe Down, a daughter lodge, was first mooted in Mercury Lodge in 1962. A petition on behalf of Ariel Lodge was presented in Mercury Lodge and Ariel Lodge was consecrated on 16 May 1967 at the Masonic Hall Farnborough.